
And he said...

This here's Miss Bonnie Parker.
I'm Clyde Barrow. 
We rob banks.


So. Let's talk dance.

The creative process is not controlled by a switch you can simply turn on or off; it's with you all the time. 

-Alvin Ailey


But you have to see, Helmut.

A photograph is a secret about a secret.
The more it tells you the less you know.


Grace, oh Grace

Grace Kelly, of course!

I am basically a feminist.
I think that women can do anything they decide to do.

I have heard the mermaids singing

VOGUE, January 1963

Photograph by Louise Dahl-Wolfe


The Prince of Darkness

For me, music and life are all about style.

- Miles Davis

Vintage Baby

Hobie Girl - Super Surfer Skateboard Team

Shelton Jackson Lee - Spike

"I live in New York City, the stories of my films take place in New York; I'm a New York filmmaker."

- Spike Lee